Assign scarce resources to multiple projects in the pipeline following priorities given by the company’s strategic objective framework. Adapt long runner projects to changing environments and requirements to achieve maximum benefit from resource allocation. Not primarily deliver products and services, but by these deliverables prepare and enable the organization for capturing sustainable and strategic benefits. That’s the added value that is behind competent Project Management,
Project Management is the matter of the Management
Where does project and multi project management end, and where does programme and portfolio management begin? Where is it appropriate for executives to delegate simple projects as a “commodity”, and where is mature project, programme and portfolio management in the very responsibility of the top management? There are still wide gaps between project handbooks, corporate project culture, and project and enterprise leadership.
Science and management still need to realize and acknowledge that besides manageing the daily business there is another, meanwhile similarly important area of leadership which, by investments and initiatives (= projects and programmes) prepares and adapts the company to the market requirements and future. Then there is a chance that the added value deriving from this area is valued appropriately enough to be managed as professionally as the running business, and thus is able to achieve better success ratios and meet targets better than it is until now.
That similarly applies to crisis management
I’m also curious when it will be that the business value of organizational project management will be acknowledged by the C-level in a way that allows recovering troubled projects as consequently as it is done with companies in distress. It would mean million wins with ROI and time to market for companies if the management would set priorities right here as well and provide help to projects with wrong set up or staff early enough, instead of wasting and burning employees, resources, motivation, trust and a lot of money by waiting, pressure and hope for self-healing.
Learn more about the topic at the key word Project Management Business Value