
Project Revision and Expert Assessment

Why should you order a Project Revision and Expert Assessment?

Have you ever experienced disputes with one of your customers or suppliers about the status and / or settlement date of his deliveries, and/or about who is responsible for the deviations from the initially planned ones? This situation actually is not very unusual, and the possible causes are as diverse as the possible developments which can result for the project, wanted or unintentional.Burn Money -Project Revision and Expert Assessment

In any case now the risk for the project to become more expensive or get out of schedule is quite high. This situation is particularly popular where enterprises or authorities, inexperienced in the project topic (for example implementation of a specific IT system), and consulting firms need to work together.

audit - Project Revision and Expert AssessmentTo avoid parties to get stuck in positions and the project to be continued through lawery it’s better to have the situation judged by an external “impartial” doing a revision of the project. That way you achieve a safeguarded status, critical fields of action and some insight on the chances for a successful completion. On this further negotiations can be based. Note: a revision is supposed to be a matter of solutions, not of finding someone guilty!

To an experienced and independent Project Management Professional like me the pitfalls and weaknesses are quickly recognised, and I can contribute to a solution and to lasting preventions.

Obtain clarity for yourself and your project, and secure your ROI with a professional Project Revision and Expert Assessment. I am happy to be your expert for an impartial opinion !

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