There are most probably lots of situations where you as a Project Manager would like to make the progress or status or forecast look a little nicer, especially if you’re an employee and with regard to your boss and your career. This is how I sometimes feel, too, but I meanwhile prefer to take the liberty to keep to the truth, even if it is cruel.
Whitewashing or making figures seem better than they are namely only adjourns the issues, but a resolution doesn’t get easier that way. Rather the opposite applies, because if there is no problem you probably will not receive any support hence. Yes, right: You are indeed allowed to ask questions or for help. And the earlier you start tackling an issue the more and mostly as well the faster and cheaper options you have – that’s by the way also the case with distressed projects and their recovery!
And at last: If you pin point bad performance, a delayed status, increasing cost or risk you always will look better by your pro-active approach and maybe by your roping in the situation, as if you need to admit faults and omissions later!
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